World Fantasy Convention 2014

Next week I'll be heading to Washington, D.C. for World Fantasy.  Technically, it's being held at the Hyatt Regency in Crystal City, which is actually in Arlington, VA--but close enough, I suppose for them to say D.C.

The convention programmers have been gracious enough to have me on a panel (one we pitched to them).  Programming is at a premium at World Fantasy since they limit the number of panels, and convention goers are lucky if they are put on even one panel.  Many thanks to my good friend, Mark Van Name who persuaded convention programmers to allow us this panel--he was also gracious in offering his services as a moderator.

Here is a description of the panel which is going to be on the first night of the convention, November 6th:

Fantasy and the Reality of Law Enforcement
Time:  9:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m., Thursday, Fairfax
Panelists:  Mark L. Van Name (M), Griffin Barber, Alistair Kimble
Description:  Fantasy writers who are also law-enforcement workers discuss how fantasy fiction portrays law enforcement, and compare those practices to real-world law enforcement.  They will talk about where fiction differs from reality and discuss what works in stories and what really is fantasy.  In discussing such works as The City and The City (China Mieville), Finch (Jeff VanderMeer), London Falling (Paul Cornell), and Servant of Empire (Raymond Feist), they will contrast the real and fantasy worlds of law enforcement.

Here is a link to the entire programming schedule.


The Brown Palace Hotel


The Endless River On The Dark Side Of The Moon