5 Kickass Kung Fu Flicks from the 1970s

The '70s gave us horrible fashion and some horrible music and weird films. I grew up in the '70s and when you're in the middle of it, especially as a kid, you can't really understand how weird a decade it was. But I think the '70s produced the coolest martial arts films--especially the Shaw Brothers films.

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Casual Friday Should Be Suit Up Friday!

Casual Friday Should Be Suit Up Friday!

As if every other day of the week isn't casual enough. I can almost understand casual Friday when  the other days of the work week required people to dress in a business-like manner, but now? Even where I work there are some people who take it too far: Ripped jeans. Tennis shoes. Flip flops?

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Frank Sinatra - Five of My Favorites

It's difficult to pick only five since Frank is one of my all-time favorites. These albums were meant to be listened to side one and side two and in order (I know, heresy in this age of digital music and the option to buy single tracks--oh, by the way, we had that too when I was a kid--they were called 45s. Moving on...

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In A Lonely Place

In A Lonely Place is one of the few films that nearly equals the novel upon which it was based. The novel of the same name, by Dorothy B. Hughes, is a masterpiece and quite daring for the time, the 1940s. Hughes compares quite favorably with James M. Cain (author of Mildred Pierce, Double Indemnity, The Postman Always Rings Twice) and in many ways surpasses him as a writer of noir. Her character development exceeds Cain's, in my opinion.

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